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英语与翻译 今日: 0|主题: 1195|排名: 204 

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预览 [畜牧英语] 牛肉各部位中英文名称 agree lyaodong 2009-8-28 112579 钟日聪 2009-8-28 15:57
预览 [畜牧英语] 有关于饲料原料采购的英语吗? agree shevlei 2009-8-26 23450 shevlei 2009-8-27 11:10
预览 [畜牧英语] Improving Sow and Piglet Health agree bonderic 2009-8-18 13508 cwcwwan 2009-8-19 02:25
预览 [畜牧英语] 水产 attachment  ...2 monica 2007-8-30 168362 byjlql 2009-8-17 15:49
预览 [畜牧英语] 哪位好心人可以帮帮忙 agree cahe 2009-4-3 53308 monica 2009-8-13 09:01
预览 [畜牧英语] 新年送礼--饲料原料 agree  ...2 monica 2008-1-1 1911203 yang7129 2009-7-23 12:30
预览 [畜牧英语] Porcine Intestinal Adenomatosus (Pig Ileitis) agree bonderic 2009-7-1 18875 nzhqlucky 2009-7-20 11:39
预览 [畜牧英语] 断奶仔猪营养 attachment agree  ...23 暮雨撒江天 认证会员 2007-6-30 2512480 daan8219 2009-7-17 08:27
预览 [畜牧英语] Phytase Sources Is There a Difference agree bonderic 2009-7-15 13926 zouyufar 2009-7-15 19:07
预览 [畜牧英语] 母猪营养 attachment monica 2007-11-4 95317 jszq 2009-7-3 14:35
预览 [畜牧英语] what's the best way to meet the needs of highly prolific sows agree bonderic 2007-8-15 15627 zhuyanbin 2009-6-7 23:47
预览 [畜牧英语] 皮革及皮毛类中英文对照 agree zzzxxxfff2005 2009-4-9 25885 rhapsody 2009-6-5 09:45
预览 [畜牧英语] Gilts respond to higher levels of lysine, energy agree bonderic 2008-9-25 04032 宁衡 2009-5-26 09:01
预览 [畜牧英语] The Future of PRRS in North America agree bonderic 2009-4-2 12647 立佳 2009-5-23 16:58
预览 [畜牧英语] Measuring Hatching Egg Shell Quality agree qiaoyongniu 认证会员 2009-3-5 45162 mxj7624913 2009-5-22 13:40
预览 [畜牧英语] The Poultry Pantry: Plums, Probiotics, Safflower and Tea agree bonderic 2009-5-18 23467 bonderic 2009-5-20 10:00
预览 [畜牧英语] 鸡的基因组图谱(真正的专业英语) attachment agree sherier 认证会员 2007-7-25 85086 julu 2009-5-15 15:57
预览 [畜牧英语] Regulators should ban poultry feed additive agree bonderic 2009-4-25 14760 小猪研究生 2009-5-14 21:25
预览 [畜牧英语] Behaviour of Cattle, Pigs, Buffalo and Antelope During Handling and Transport agree 刘静 2009-5-9 15262 牛郎阿飞 2009-5-9 15:09
预览 [畜牧英语] 葡萄球菌乳房炎 Staphylococcus Mastitis agree ann 2008-10-4 05317 lc79590 2009-4-15 10:41
预览 [畜牧英语] 2008伦敦养猪学大会会议材料 agree pigswine 2009-4-11 23674 lc79590 2009-4-15 10:16
预览 [畜牧英语] 高色氨酸日粮提高断奶仔猪采食量,抵御大肠杆菌腹泻的发生 agree zzzxxxfff2005 2009-4-2 22856 zzzxxxfff2005 2009-4-2 19:29
预览 [畜牧英语] Swine Health Management in a Down Market PUBLICATION DATE: 03/03/2009 agree qiaoyongniu 认证会员 2009-3-5 14543 raymondleung 2009-3-17 20:47
预览 [畜牧英语] Swine Association, expert request halt to pig FMD vaccine plan agree bonderic 2009-3-12 33633 xwhstorm131 2009-3-16 12:58
预览 [畜牧英语] 海兰鸡的营养与饲喂1 attachment  ...2 monica 2007-9-16 127667 pusu19811225 2009-3-16 11:27
预览 [畜牧英语] about wheat gluten agree pusu19811225 2009-3-6 32958 bonderic 2009-3-6 14:44
预览 [畜牧英语] Feeding to reduce ascites in poultry agree bonderic 2009-2-5 23530 tmlf728 2009-3-4 23:06
预览 [畜牧英语] Lactation Feeding Strategies agree bonderic 2009-3-3 35143 pusu19811225 2009-3-4 16:16
预览 [畜牧英语] Organic Acids in Water Can Improve Performance of the Weaned Pig  ...2 bonderic 2008-7-15 114674 pusu19811225 2009-2-16 16:39
预览 [畜牧英语] Control of PCV2-Associated Disease Through Vaccination agree bonderic 2009-1-13 24355 bonderic 2009-1-17 21:32
预览 [畜牧英语] FISH NUTRITION howlet 2008-6-26 74304 叶知秋 2009-1-13 15:43
预览 [畜牧英语] 疾病名英文缩写 attachment  ...2 qiaoyongniu 认证会员 2008-1-28 108652 qiaoyongniu 2008-12-30 08:13
预览 [畜牧英语] Focus on Feed Conversion agree bonderic 2008-11-10 34447 泡泡 2008-12-9 08:56
预览 [畜牧英语] Diseases Contributing to Poor Productivity and Profits agree bonderic 2008-11-10 03193 bonderic 2008-11-10 16:26
预览 [畜牧英语] 牛疱疹乳头炎(溃疡性乳头炎) agree ann 2008-10-4 13897 jlc_ne 2008-11-5 11:00
预览 [畜牧英语] The Use of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Poultry Feeds bonderic 2008-8-8 13152 bxt 2008-10-29 10:39
预览 [畜牧英语] 无乳链球菌乳房炎Streptococcus agalactiae Mastitis agree ann 2008-10-4 05436 ann 2008-10-4 21:30
预览 [畜牧英语] 支原体乳房炎Mycoplasma Mastitis agree ann 2008-10-4 03793 ann 2008-10-4 21:28
预览 [畜牧英语] 假牛痘 Pseudo-Cowpox agree ann 2008-10-4 03713 ann 2008-10-4 21:23
预览 [畜牧英语] 养猪术语中英文 attachment  ...23 qiaoyongniu 认证会员 2007-11-2 2412289 ffyuhan 2008-10-1 20:49
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