

Fish Nutrition Third ….pdf

浏览次数: 845 贡献作者: animalchem 文档大小: 28.29 MB
下载次数: 39 贡献时间: 2010-12-22
25 论坛币

浏览次数: 845 贡献作者: animalchem 文档大小: 28.29 MB
下载次数: 39 贡献时间: 2010-12-22
25 论坛币

Fish Nutrition Third Edition Edited by John E. Halver and Ronald W. Hardy ACADEMIC PRESS(2002年)出版, pdf文件, 28.2M, 839页, 这是一本鱼类营养的巨著,第三版,内容全面而详尽,这可从下面的目录看出。这本书的特点是概括了鱼类营养的基础研究和应用。完整电子版,可用金山词霸取词。 content: 1 Bioenergetics Dominique P. Bureau, Sadasivam J. Kaushik, and C. Young Cho 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 History of Nutritional Energetics 3 1.3 Energy Exchange in Biological Systems 5 1.4 Energy Utilization and Requirements 7 1.5 Digestible Energy of Feedstuffs 14 1.6 Effect of Biological and Environmental Factors 16 1.7 Urinary and Branchial Energy and Metabolizable Energy 18 1.8 Factors Affecting Metabolic Waste Output 21 1.9 Heat Production 24 1.10 Minimal Metabolism 29 1.11 Heat Increment of Feeding 35 1.12 Digestion and Absorption Processes (HdE) 37 1.13 Recovered Energy and Growth 43 1.14 Reproduction 47 1.15 Integrating and Using Information from Bioenergetics 48 1.16 Limitations and Perspectives of Bioenergetics 53 References 2 The Vitamins John E. Halver 2.1 Historical Introduction 62 2.2 The Water-Soluble Vitamins 66 2.3 The Fat-Soluble Vitamins 113 2.4 Other Factors 128 2.5 Anemias and Hemapoiesis 130 References 132 3 Amino Acids and Proteins Robert P. Wilson 3.1 Introduction 144 3.2 Protein Requirements 145 3.3 Qualitative Amino Acid Requirements 151 3.4 Quantitative Amino Acid Requirements 152 3.5 Other Methods of Estimating Amino Acid Needs 170 References 175 4 The Lipids John R. Sargent, Douglas R. Tocher, and J. Gordon Bell 4.1 Introduction 182 4.2 Structures and Biosynthesis 184 4.3 Functions 194 4.4 Fatty Acids and Dietary Energy 201 4.5 Optimal Levels and Ratios of Dietary n-3 and n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 206 4.6 Dietary Phosphoglycerides: Inositol and Choline 227 4.7 Fatty Acid Peroxidation 232 4.8 Sources of Lipids for Farmed Fish Feeds 239 4.9 Prospects 244 References 246 5 The Minerals Santosh P. Lall 5.1 Introduction 260 5.2 Essential Minerals for Finfish 271 5.3 Concluding Remarks 300 References 301 6 Intermediary Metabolism Konrad Dabrowski and Helga Guderley 6.1 Introduction: Metabolic Circuitry and Control Mechanisms 310 6.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism 313 6.3 Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism 333 6.4 Conclusions 358 References 360 7 Nutritional Physiology Michael B. Rust 7.1 Introduction 368 7.2 Gross Juvenile and Adult Anatomy 369 7.3 Sensory Organs 378 7.4 Food Capture Structures and Organs 389 7.5 Digestive Organs 393 7.6 Liver 413 7.7 Anatomy and Diet 415 7.8 Digestive Processes 417 7.9 Postabsorptive Transport and Processing 427 7.10 Control and Regulation of Digestion 428 7.11 Nutritional Physiology in Larval Fish 432 References 446 8 Nutritional Pathology Ronald J. Roberts 8.1 Introduction 454 8.2 Principles of Nutritional Pathology 455 8.3 The Deficiency and Imbalance Diseases 459 8.4 Micronutrients 464 8.5 Mineral Deficiencies and Imbalances 480 8.6 Dietary Mineral Toxicity 484 8.7 Mycotoxins 489 8.8 Toxic Algae 492 8.9 Cottonseeds 492 8.10 Senecio Alkaloids 492 8.11 Leucaena Toxins 494 8.12 Anthropogenic Chemicals 494 8.13 Binders 494 8.14 Photosensitizers 495 8.15 Sekoke Disease 497 8.16 Spleen- and Liver-Induced Cataracts 498 8.17 Single-Cell Protein Lesions 500 8.18 Antibiotic and Chemotherapeutic Toxicity 500 References 500 9 Diet Formulation and Manufacture Ronald W. Hardy and Frederick T. Barrows 9.1 Introduction 506 9.2 Aims and Strategy of Fish Feed Production 514 9.3 Feed Ingredients 515 9.4 Diet Formulation 538 9.5 Diet Manufacture and Storage 558 9.6 Ingredient and Diet Evaluation 578 9.7 Glossary 594 References 596 10 Adventitious Toxins Jerry D. Hendricks 10.1 Introduction 602 10.2 Naturally Occurring Toxins in Formulated Fish Rations 603 10.3 Nonnatural Components and Additives in Formulated Rations 630 10.4 Summary 641 References 641 11 Special Feeds George M. Pigott and Barbee W. Tucker 11.1 Introduction 652 11.2 Formulation of Special Feeds 652 11.3 Feed Manufacturing 661 11.4 Summary 667 References 668 12 Nutrition and Fish Health Delbert M. Gatlin III 12.1 Introduction 672 12.2 Factors Affecting Fish Health 673 12.3 Dietary Components Influencing Fish Health 675 12.4 Feeding Practices Affecting Fish Health 694 12.5 Concluding Remarks and Research Needs 698 References 699 13 Diet and Fish Husbandry Richard T. Lovell 13.1 Introduction 704 13.2 Channel Catfish 708 13.3 Salmonids 720 13.4 Tilapias 732 13.5 Penaeid Shrimp 741 References 753 14 Nutrient Flow and Retention John E. Halver and Ronald W. Hardy 14.1 Introduction 756 14.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism 757 14.3 Glycolysis 757 14.4 Carbohydrate Synthesis 759 14.5 Pentose Phosphate Pathway 759 14.6 Glycogenolysis 759 14.7 Diet and Carbohydrate Metabolism 760 14.8 Lipid Metabolism 760 14.9 Odd-Chain-Length Fatty Acid Oxidation 762 14.10 Electron Transfer Cascade 763 14.11 Amino Acid Metabolism 763 14.12 Effect of Diet on Intermediary Metabolism 765 14.13 Measuring Protein Accretion and Degradation 766 14.14 Intake and Metabolism 767 14.15 Sexual Maturity and Metabolism 767 14.16 Prospects for Improvement of Protein Retention Efficiency 768 References 769 Appendix 771 Index 807

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