SPSS 18.0 使用说明书
牧童 2010-8-20 12:01
英语原版全文资料在这里: http://www.xumuren.com/plugin.php?identifier=downloadmodule=downloadacti=softviewsoftid=29525 本节将介绍利用SPSS 软件 对量表进行处理分析。   在获取原始数据后,我们利用SPSS对量表可以作出三种分析,即项目分析 ...
个人分类: 基础科学|768 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 23
牧童 2010-8-17 03:09
2009最新jcr分区 文件: 2009最新jcr分区.rar
个人分类: 基础科学|298 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 10
牧童 2010-8-17 02:56
jcr使用手册 中文的 文件: jcr使用手册.rar
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新书介绍 统计假设检验:等价检验与非参数检验
牧童 2010-8-15 06:32
Testing Statistical Hypotheses of Equivalence and Non-inferiority, Second Edition by: Stefan Wellek en 143980818X 9781439808184 Testing Statistical Hypotheses of Equivalence and Noninferiority, Second Edition By Stefan Wellek •Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC & ...
个人分类: 基础科学|408 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 6
牧童 2010-8-14 03:29
怎样为学生修改科技论文? 原作者:知者乐 我在以前的博文里说过:导师不给学生改文章,是不称职的导师;导师不会给学生改文章,就不配当导师。因为给学生改论文是教师(特别是指导研究生的教师)的必修课,是传道授业解惑中必不可少的一环。 在这方面,我们有很多 ...
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牧童 2010-8-4 18:56
Immune Function And Metabolic Stress Due To Precalving Energy Level And Postcalving Mastitis Challenge In Dairy Cows Daniel Graugnard, Massimo Bionaz, Erminio Trevisi, Manishi Mukesh, Mario Ordonez, Kasey M. Moyes, Janeen L. Salak-Johnson, Richard L. Wallace, James K. Drackley, Giuseppe Be ...
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When is expertise relevant?
牧童 2010-8-2 08:52
When is expertise relevant? By Andrew Gelman on July 29, 2010 9:00 AM | 14 Comments Responding to journalist Elizabeth Kolbert's negative review of Freakonomics 2 in the New Yorker, Stephen Dubner writes , that, although they do not have any training ...
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Mixture of Bivariate Exponential Distributions
牧童 2010-7-29 21:48
Mixture of Bivariate Exponential Distributions Authors: Norou Diawara a ;Mark Carpenter b Affiliations: a Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA b Department of Mathematics ...
个人分类: 基础科学|261 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 6
牧童 2010-7-29 21:43
几种常用的统计分析软体比较 本文转载自周恬弘的博客”为了美丽的地面”。周先生毕业于维吉尼亚州大学,哲学博士,现为台湾某医院行政副院长。 http://thchou.blogspot.com/2008/07/blog-post_13.html 这一年来接触了几种不同的统计软体,有些是自己有实际去使用过,有些则是只听别人介绍或只有概念 ...
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The Three Golden Rules for Successful Scientific Research
牧童 2010-7-29 21:37
The Three Golden Rules for Successful Scientific Research A famous computer scientist, Edsger W. Dijkstra, was writing short memos on a daily basis for most of his life. His memo archives contains a little over 1300 memos. I guess today he would be writing a blog, although his memos do tend t ...
个人分类: 基础科学|305 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 7
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