Construction of a still-air incubator
牧童 2010-5-23 08:34
Poultry Construction of a still-air incubator Small incubators, suitable for use in the home, can be purchased from stores that sell farm equipment. An egg incubator can be built at home with a little work and expense. The first incubator is constructed from a polystyrene ice ...
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When Chicks Don't Hatch
牧童 2010-5-22 20:00
When Chicks Don't Hatch: Chicks fail to hatch for a number of reasons: *Incubation temperature too high, too low, or too variable. *Too little humidity in the incubator and rarely, too much. *Some embryos are just weak and are unable to live. This is nature's "survival of th ...
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Why do we need to candle the eggs?
牧童 2010-5-22 19:55
Why do we need to candle the eggs? Why do we need to candle the eggs? 1. If you leave eggs in your incubator that are not fertilized ("yolkers"), or have embryos that have quit growing ("quitters"), your incubator (and room) will get very smelly. These eggs rot if left in an incubator! ...
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Incubation of Poultry
牧童 2010-5-18 01:10
Incubation of Poultry Jesse J. Lyons Department of Animal Sciences Hatching eggs -- watching an egg turn into a baby chick -- is a learning experience for students of all ages as well as a practical way for you to start a small poultry flock. The incubation process is relatively simple, though ...
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Building a Backyard Chicken Coop
牧童 2010-5-18 01:00
Building a Backyard Chicken Coop - Hen House Design That Helps Product the Tastiest Eggs Building a Backyard Chicken Coop - Hen House Design That Helps Product the Tastiest Eggs By Randy Rhoads A chicken coop - hen house is another term for it - is one of the most absolutely cr ...
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牧童 2010-5-18 00:10
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牧童 2010-5-18 00:02
好多资料,很全,特别权威,免费下载,可惜是英语的 There are several FAO documents that might help. They can be downloaded at ...
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Effect of Dietary Crude Protein Levels on Egg Production, Hatchability and
牧童 2010-5-14 17:30
Effect of Dietary Crude Protein Levels on Egg Production, Hatchability and Post-Hatch Offspring Per 文件: Effect of Dietary Crude Protein Levels on Egg Production, Hatchability and.rar
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牧童 2010-5-14 10:25
特禽新秀绿壳蛋鸡果园林地人工饲养技术 绿壳蛋鸡,其特征是五黑一绿(即黑毛、黑皮、黑肉、黑内脏,蛋壳为绿色),是一种天然黑色 食品 与绿色食品为一体的珍禽食品。绿壳鸡蛋蛋白浓厚,蛋黄呈桔黄色,含有大量的卵磷脂维生素A、B、E及微量元素碘、锌、硒含量丰富,属于高维生素、高微量元素、高氨基酸、低胆固 ...
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牧童 2010-5-14 10:21
经过近几年对农户作物地、林果园生态养鸡的情况调查发现,一些农户思想观念落后,仍延续着传统的饲养方法,出现养鸡存活率不高、效益低的情况。 1 主要存在的问题 1 .1 鸡舍不 规范 ,卫生条件差 一些农户的鸡舍通风透气差,鸡直接在地面歇息,鸡的病死率高。鸡舍和放养场地消 ...
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