New Studies Demonstrating the Benefits of BACTOCELL® on Laying Hens, Duc

热度 1已有 896 次阅读2013-4-25 02:52 |个人分类:|系统分类:精品转载

New Studies Demonstrating the Benefits of BACTOCELL® on Laying Hens, Duck and Broilers Performances Seen at Annual French Poultry Research Congress

Date of publication : 4/23/2013
Company : LALLEMAND ANIMAL NUTRITION (Europe, Asia, Africa)
Source : Lallemand

During the last Poultry Research Days (“Journées de la Recherche Avicole”) in La Rochelle, poultry nutrition was again a key issue, particularly in the actual context of high inputs prices. The studies presented by Lallemand Animal Nutrition attracted much interest from the participants, showing that BACTOCELL®, a natural and registered probiotic solution, can help improve laying hens, fattening ducks and broilers zootechnical performance, certainly through a better feed utilization, offering better return on investment to the poultry producer. BACTOCELL is authorized as a feed additive in Europe for laying hens and chickens for fattening (BACTOCELL® and BACTOCELL® DRINK for use in drinking water).

Improved layers production parameters and eggs quality

The first poster presented by Lallemand Animal Nutrition (1) reported the results of a recent production trial conducted by Prof Denev at the Faculty of Agriculture of Trakia University, in Bulgaria. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of the probiotic BACTOCELL on laying performance and egg quality parameters. 

BACTOCELL (PA) supplementation appeared to have positively affected laying performances: 

  • Laying rate was significantly improved (92.38% vs. 90.62 % for the control group; p<0.01);
  • Average exported egg mass was significantly higher (404.0 vs 393.4 g/hen/week; p<0.01).
  • The eggs were significantly heavier (62.6g vs. 62.1g; p<0.01).

Moreover, egg quality parameters were also improved as compared to the control group:

  • The percentage of downgraded eggs was significantly reduced (-74%). 
  • The percentage of Large (L) eggs was significantly higher (51.37% vs. 46.35%). 
  • The egg yolk cholesterol content was significantly reduced.

The authors concluded that BACTOCELL improved both layers production parameters and eggs quality, which benefits both the producer (higher revenue), and the consumer (improved quality, reduced cholesterol content in eggs).

Improved Ducks growth performance and fecal microflora

Another study presented inLa Rochelleconcerned the effects of the probiotic BACTOCELL for the production of fattening ducks. This trial, conducted in a commercial farm inFrance, is part on the European dossier which is going to be filed for the registration of BACTOCELL for minor poultry species.

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects of BACTOCELL on fattening ducks zootechnical performance and fecal microflora. The trial involved two separate buildings and outdoor parks with 1750 ducks in each: Control, and BACTOCELL (PA). The birds were followed from 28 until 84 days of age. 

At the end of the trial, BACTOCELL (PA) treatment, when compared to Control, led to: 

  • A significantly improved growth: the average daily weight gain was improved by 8% (final body weight (BW) 4.51kg vs4.29 kg; P≤0.05). 
  • A reduction of potential pathogens in the feces: fecal content of  total enterobacteria, total coliforms and E.coli, which were equivalent between the two groups before the supplementation, decreased after 4 and 8 weeks of supplementation, while they tended to increase in the control birds. These observations are in line with what was previously described in broilers and with the proposed modes of action of BACTOCELL in the gut, leading to an improvement of the digestive microflora. 

It was concluded that the supplementation of BACTOCELL could be of interest in the production of fattening ducks since a beneficial effect on their growth performances and on their microflora had been recorded.

Finally, a third independent study featuring BACTOCELL in combination with an anticoccidial based on natural extract in the diet of broilers was also presented at the Congress (3). The association of the two supplements appeared as an interesting alternative to improve animal performance while answering the growing concern of anticoccidial resistance.

For more information about these studies and the effects and usage of BACTOCELL in poultry, please contact us. 


BACTOCELL® is a homo-fermentative bacteria. These types of bacteria convert complex nutrients into lactic acid L+, which aids better digestion. BACTOCELL®, with its positive impact on intestinal maturation, allows better digestibility and an optimal protection against negative effects that might be due to non beneficial bacteria.

Documented benefits of BACTOCELL in poultry:

For laying hens:

  • Improves laying rate and consistency, heavier eggs
  • Improves egg quality (egg shell, yolk colour, blood and meat spots...),
  • Helps reduce the number of downgraded eggs due to breakage
  • Additional benefits: good Feathering quality, lower serum and egg yolk cholesterol level

For broiler: 

  • Improves feed efficiency
  • Improves ADWG
About Lallemand

Lallemand, Inc. is a privately owned Canadian company specialized in yeast, bacteria and yeast derivatives, for animal nutrition, baking, winemaking and pharmaceutical industries. Lallemand is the only major supplier of yeast and bacteria that is a primary producer of both.
Lallemand Animal Nutrition is dedicated to the development, production, and marketing of profitable, natural and differentiated solutions for animal nutrition and health. Our core products are live bacteria for probiotics and silage inoculants, specific yeast for probiotics, and high value yeast derivatives. Lallemand is a major supplier of probiotics and silage inoculants around the globe.







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